Jun 17, 2022

If you start to notice that your car isn’t running as smoothly as it used to or it’s making a weird noise, you might need a new air filter. A clogged filter can cause all sorts of problems, including reduced fuel efficiency, poor performance, and even increased emissions. Check out these signs from your Chevy dealer that you might need a new car air filter.

1. Less Horsepower When You Drive

If you’ve been noticing that your car has less horsepower than usual, it might be because your engine air filter is clogged. A clogged-up air filter can restrict the amount of air that gets to the engine, which will decrease the amount of power it has. If you’re struggling to reach high speeds or if your car periodically jolts, it might be time for a new air filter.

2. Your Engine Is Making a Weird Noise

A dirty air filter can cause all sorts of weird noises, including rattling and knocking sounds. If you suddenly start hearing strange noises when your car runs, it might be due to a dirty engine air filter.

3. The Check Engine Light Is On

If the check engine light is on, it means there’s a problem with the engine, and you should take your car in for an inspection. There could be many reasons for a check engine light, but a dirty engine air filter is one of them. When your car’s air filter is clogged, it can cause all sorts of issues, but the most common is an increase in emissions and poor gas mileage. When the filter is clogged or faulty, dirt and debris can accumulate, triggering the check engine light.

4. Your Gas Mileage Decreases

If your gas mileage suddenly drops, it could be due to the filter. A dirty or clogged-up air filter reduces the amount of clean air that reaches the engine, causing it to work harder. Changing your filter on time will save you money.

5. You Smell Gasoline

 When the engine air filter becomes blocked, the excess fuel will burn off and cause a burning-gasoline smell. This is not only smelly but indicates that not enough air is entering the fuel injection system. If you notice that your vehicle has started to emit a gasoline scent when you start the car, it’s probably due to an air filter that needs changing.

7. Your Air Filter Looks Dirty

Air filters trap dirt, dust, and other debris so they can become clogged over time. An engine air filter may look dirty for many reasons, including normal aging, driving conditions, and the type of fuel used. If the engine air filter isn’t replaced regularly, it will eventually become so clogged that it won’t do its job properly.

Replacing an old, clogged-up air filter with a new one is an inexpensive way to help improve gas mileage, get better performance, and reduce emissions. Schedule a service appointment at Glasscock Chevrolet to inspect your car and keep it running smoothly.